As I mentioned in a previous post, I really wanted to have a working mechanical iris as an exit for the divers. This was not as hard to design as the tentacles but it wasn't a picnic. There are lots of irises on the web, but not too much covering the mathematics to design one from scratch. I built everything myself but I have to send out props to emmett on for inspiration. His design helped me figure out some of the mechanics and layout. Thingiverse is run by MakerBot industries and is a community forum for uploading and sharing 3D printing design. You like something, just download it and print.
This was also exciting because I was actually able to prototype it on my MakerBot. The final version will be printed on the fancy Objet printer at the NYU AMS lab.
I also need to submit a public apology to my wife Kate. In the video I failed to mention the hours she spent helping me figure out the geometry to make this thing work. She's much better at math than I am and I couldn't have done it with out her. Thank you Kate! Please let me come home now.